Held by Men for Men who want to
remember through mind body spirit,
their connection to Source and the
Great Mother.
For the serious seeker who wants to
extend his perception beyond the ordinary into the heart of the matter and
transform fearlessly
what will not carry into the emerging
As we move together through the fire
of transformation,
what is left is the purity of truth,
who we really are, embodied now in the physical, ready to dream the new dream
with strength and integrity
within the new frequencies with
an activated *MerKaBa and genuine
**Essence connection
*a MerKaBa is counterrotating field of LIGHT that moves through realities,
creates realities and interprets realities
** Essence is your sum total of Soul experience, all bodies all dimensions
all points in tme
all of
You, all the way back to Source
NOVEMBER 7-9 2014 @ CasaVeras in the Byron Hinterland...